Author By Day, Sleuth By Night

About Me

Shelli R. Johannes is the author of 25+ books for children and teens. She is the coauthor of the Cece Loves Science series, Penny (An Engineering Tale of the Fourth Pig), and the Farm Friends series (6 books). She is the author of the Theo Thesaurus series, Shine Like a Unicorn, and Florence Nightingale (in Chelsea Clinton's "She Persisted" series.) And for teens, Shelli is the author of five novels, including the Nature of Grace series (Untraceable, Uncontrollable, Unstoppable), ReWired, & On the Bright Side (MG).
After earning a master’s in marketing and working in Corporate America, Shelli traded out her heels and suits for flip-flops and jeans so she could follow her passion for writing. Shelli can be found on highways and country roads, saving strays and other jaywalking critters, or volunteering with animal conservation groups like the Atlanta Zoo, the Dolphin Project, and Bosley’s puppy orphanage.
Shelli lives in Atlanta with her own pack of animals: a British husband, two kids, one sassy bird, one fish, two Goldendoodles, and the many loud characters that “live” in her head. She is addicted to exclamation points, puns, unicorns, and anything sciencey. You can always count on her to laugh at her own jokes at least once.
Do you have activities or educational guides? Yes, check my Educator or Fun Stuff pages.
Have you always wanted to be a writer? No, not until I was pregnant with my daughter.
Where do you get your ideas? News or something someone says. Usually my kids.
How long does it take you to write a book? Depends on the length and if I procrastinate.
Do you plot out your books or write organically? PLOT!
What is your writing schedule? When I can...
What is your advice for newbie writers? Keep going... it's easy to give up.
What are some other jobs you’ve had in the past? Corporate America sucked me in for many years. I got out! Whew!
Do you read all your emails? Always!
Favorite Movie of All Time: Harry Potter or Lord of the Ring series
Favorite Comedy Movie: Hitman's Bodyguard
Favorite Avenger Movie: Guardians of the Galaxy 1
Favorite Romance Movie: Kate and Leopold
Favorite Music Genre: Acoustic
Favorite Song of All Time: Hallelujah
Favorite Book of All Time: Pippy Longstocking, Travels with Charley
Favorite Comedian: Jim Gaffigan, Kevin Hart
Favorite Author: James Patterson and JK Rowling
Favorite Color: Ocean Blue
Favorite Food of All Time: Spicy cheese dip
Favorite Candy: Minstrels/Dark Chocolate
Favorite Drink: Vodka martini, straight up, extra filthy, extra olives
Favorite Season: Fall (so I can wear jeans :)
Favorite Day of the Week: Saturday
Favorite Poem: Two Roads Diverged by Robert Frost